Why Music Lessons Are the Perfect Summer Activity

It’s getting a little hotter every day here in Phoenix, which can only mean one thing: summer is almost upon us! For most kids, summer is synonymous with no school and loads of uninterrupted free time. For most parents, this means finding fun summer activities to fill the time and keep kids out of trouble until school resumes.

But finding summer activities for kids that are both fun enough for them to enjoy and educational enough for parents to feel good about can be tricky. Luckily, Scottsdale Music Academy has the perfect solution: adrenaline-pumping, brain-stimulating music lessons!

Here are the top four reasons why taking music lessons in the summer is an absolute no brainer.

Beat the Heat

As all Scottsdale and Phoenix residents know, summer in Arizona is brutal. When May, June and July hit, so will the triple digits temps and the permanent beads of sweat. To beat the heat, you’ll no doubt want to stay indoors as much as possible, which is just one reason why music lessons are an ideal summer activity. After all, what better way to escape the heat then by playing music inside an ultra cool (both literally and figuratively) music studio?

Flexible Scheduling

Unlike other summer activities for kids, music lessons don’t have to happen on a set schedule. Here at Scottsdale Music Academy, we realize the summer months can be some of the busiest of the year, which is why we work around you and your schedule. No need to worry about squeezing music lessons in between all of your other summer plans. With a dedicated and diverse team of music teachers, we offer plenty of weekday and weekend options guaranteed to fit your jam-packed summer schedule.

Cheaper Than Vacation

Everyone needs to getaway every now and then. And while vacations and trips to new places are always fun, they can be extremely costly. To save on costs this year, forgo the expensive vacation and spend a little money on music lessons instead. Not only will you save money in the long run, your kid will gain valuable skills that will last a lifetime. Plus, with all the new songs to learn and people to meet, it’ll feel like an adventure in and of itself!

Built-in Community

For some kids, summer break means less opportunities for socialization. With school on hiatus, many students don’t get the same level of daily interaction with their peers that they normally would during the school year. Thankfully, music lessons can help with that. Not only do our group and private music lessons come with a built-in network of music teachers to guide you and your child through the entire learning process, our music lessons also offer plenty of opportunities to socialize with other music students. Your child will get the chance to jam out with other students on a regular basis and maybe even perform with them at a live show!

Don’t spend another summer doing the same boring thing you did last year. Shake up your family’s summer routine by signing up for some educational and exciting music lessons instead! We promise your child will love it and so will you!

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