Great Gear to Have for Touring and Gigging

Touring and gigging as a musician, especially if it is the first time, can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Some of the best parts of touring and gigging consist of playing music multiple nights a week, meeting tons of people, seeing new places and experiencing a variety of venues. With all that being said, a successful live performance comes with being prepared. This means having all of your gear in check and knowing what you will and will not need for a tour or for a gig. While not everything is absolutely necessary to bring, these are some great pieces of gear to have for touring and gigging.


If you are a musician of any kind, then you know that amplifiers can be some of the most expensive pieces of gear that you can own. This is why it is important to protect them. While Playing any kind of show or being on tour, amps can be moved around and transported quite a bit. Amp cases are a great way to protect your amplifiers from any kind of damage that could come along the way. Keep in mind, these cases can run on the more expensive end. While amp cases are great for all kinds of performances, they are a bit more essential for touring musicians, as your amp will constantly be moving around.


It is important to remember all of your cables for your pedals, monitors, mics, instruments, amplifiers and more. Do yourself a favor and make an inventory of all the cables you may need when headed out for a tour. In addition, try to stock up on some extra instrument cables because you never know what could happen. No matter if you are going on tour or just playing a show one night at your local venue, cords and cables are always needed.


Last but not least, backup instruments are great, if not crucial to have when touring. While having backups of everything doesn’t hurt, having backup instruments will definitely save you in a pinch. Let’s say you break a string on stage or your instrument is malfunctioning before a show, having a backup will take some of that added stress off of you. It is better to be safe than sorry. Having a backup instrument is great for gigging musicians as well, but it may not be of the utmost importance. Even though these are just a few of the great pieces of gear to have while touring and gigging, they will definitely come in handy at some point or another.

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