3 Winning Strategies for Effective Online Learning

Given recent events, it’s no surprise that online learning is more popular than ever. Everything from school to music lessons and languages can all be learned online. It’s easy to see why online learning is on the rise: it’s convenient, can be done at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. However, virtual learning is not without its disadvantages. As with anything new, e-learning comes with its own unique set of challenges. Below are some easy, yet super effective strategies to ensure you and your child get the most out of any online class, whether it be online music lessons, virtual education, or something else entirely.

Tips for Online Learning Success

1. Stick To a Schedule

Unlike traditional or in-person learning, online learning isn’t typically defined by a set schedule. Most online classes are made to be flexible and completed when most convenient for you. Although this is one of the biggest benefits of virtual learning, it can also be a hindrance to some people, children in particular. Without a set schedule or pre-planned time devoted entirely to learning, the majority of individuals simply won’t make time for it. To prevent that from happening to you or your child, you’ll want to create a weekly schedule with specific times built in for online learning. The best way to do this is to create a study calendar, either digitally or using pen and paper. It’s easy to postpone virtual learning, but with a set schedule, you’ll be more likely to follow through and make it a priority.

2.  Remove Distractions

Offices and study spaces exist for a reason…because it’s hard to focus and get anything accomplished when there are so many potential distractions at home. To bolster productivity, a quiet, distraction-free space is absolutely essential for online learning. This is especially true for children who are more apt to procrastinate or get sidetracked easily. A quiet space free from non-essential digital devices, technology, and outside noise will be the most conducive environment for learning.  

3. Get Help

There’s a common misperception that online learning means you have to go it alone. That couldn’t be further from the truth! While virtual learning is typically a solo activity rather than a group effort, it doesn’t mean help or guidance is out of the question. Take online music lessons for instance. Although not held in person, virtual music lessons are still led by a professional instructor who expertly guides the learning process to ensure maximum growth and offer help when needed. The point is don’t make online learning harder than it has to be…seek help when needed. Experts are experts for a reason, and they can help you overcome obstacles more easily than if you stumbled through it entirely on your own.

If you enjoy online learning and have an interest in music, then online music lessons might be right for you! Contact Scottsdale Music Academy at (602) 751-3537 to find out more about our virtual music lessons.

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